Rimas VisGirda on sun 6 dec 09
recently visited an old friend and found a mug in her=3D
=3D0A=3D0A=3DC2=3DA0=3D0A=3D0AI=3D0Arecently visited an old friend and foun=
d a mug in her=3D
cupboard that I made=3D0Aabout 30 years ago -it was thrown but made to loo=
k =3D
like a cheap casting with a=3D0Alittle flashing and mismatched seams=3DE2=
forgot that I used to have fun making=3D0Athings. Will try to regain that =
ought in the future=3DE2=3D80=3DA6 -Rimas=3D0A=3D0A=3DC2=3DA0=3D0A=3D0ADavi=
d=3D0AHendley wrote:=3D
=3D0A=3D0AWhy?=3D0AWhy not make extruded pots look thrown, extruded=3D0A=3D=
=3D0Alook pulled, thrown pots look extruded, thrown=3D0A=3D0Apots=3D0Alook =
t, or handbuilt pots look thrown?=3D0A=3D0AAs=3D0Aa potter with decades of =
ence in making and looking,=3D0A=3D0AI=3D0Alove encountering a piece that h=
as me =3D
scratching my head=3D0A=3D0Aand=3D0Amuttering, "how'd they do that."=3D0A=
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