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slide presentation of bacia's life and work in clayart room

updated mon 7 dec 09


Russel Fouts on sun 6 dec 09

We would like to present short slide lecture of Bacia Edelman's life
and work by her good friend, Andree Valley.

The presentation will be in the Clayart Room on Thursday, April 1st
from 6:30 pm until 7:30pm. After the Distinguished Lecture and
before the Randall Session.

Bacia would love this timing because it's the slot I usually took for
the slide seminar of which she was one of the first and most
enthusiastic participants.

We hope this will fit in with everyone else's plans and they will be
able to attend.

Thank you in advance


Russel Fouts
Mes Potes & Mes Pots
Brussels, Belgium
Tel: +32 2 223 02 75
Mobile: +32 476 55 38 75
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"Look, it's my misery that I have to paint this kind of painting,
it's your misery that you have to love it, and the price of the
misery is thirteen hundred and fifty dollars. "

- Mark Rothko, In Art/Painting