Bill Merrill on wed 9 dec 09
I just received this letter from Val Cushing. Because of previous
commitments he has decided he is over extended with all the work he has
committed to with shows, writing and a final workshop in Virginia during
October 2010. I'll let Clayart know more particulars about it when I
hear from Val again.
Dear Bill ,=3D20
I have to apologize to you about a potential workshop. I
guess I got carried away by your enthusiasm , which I do appreciate and
thank you for. But I have decided not to take you up on that Bill. It's
a little complicated but all things considered I am going to stick to my
( somewhat weak ) decision to cut off the workshops and concentrate on
being in my studio as much as I can. Right now I have to write up my
presentation for the panel that I am moderating for the NCECA conference
in Philly next march. NCECA has a new rule that all presentations for
the conference have to be turned in by Dec. 18 th !!. I guess they want
to go into the conference with the journal all published instead of
getting it out after the conference. I am also having a major show of my
work that will open during the conference, with maybe 40-50 pieces, for
which I have only started a couple of days ago ! And I had agreed a
while back to write a forward/ introduction for a re-publishing of
Marquerite Wildenhain's book ..... " Pottery Form and Expression" ,
which has been out of print for quite awhile. Do you remember that one ?
. I have always felt it never got the attention it deserved and a person
from Illinois was in a workshop I did a couple of years ago in Glen
Arbor MI , got inspired to get it out there again. She has done some
writing and is looking for a publisher. Anyway, that's the kind of stuff
I got myself into , because I have trouble saying no to folks when I get
overloaded. So I do have a workshop coming up in 2010 in Virginia (
October ) for which I will also have a show of work , and as of now I
really expect to end my workshops with that one. It means a lot to me
that you would have liked me to do one for you and I'm sorry to back off
, but I need to concentrate on making pots. (Val Cushing to Bill
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