MEUNIER LEE on wed 16 dec 09
It may be a bit before I can complete the whole change over process from on=
e=3D0Aserver to another but at least I am now online with DSL installed.=3D=
A0 I=3D
t's been awhile and=3D0AI've pretty well forgotten the steps to getting it =
l done.=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0AMy e-mail
0AI did subscr=3D
ibe to Clayart again and lo and behold! it is showing up.=3DA0 Now we'll se=
e =3D
if=3D0AI get my own messages on my screen.=3DA0 And THEN I'll attempt to ha=
ve m=3D
y first name,=3D0AMeunier, removed as Sender, replacing=3DA0Meunier with Jo=
=3DA0 Then, and only then,=3D0Aonce everything seems in place and working, =
attempt to Unsubscribe without =3D0Aunsubscribing from my present membersh=
.=3D0A=3D0AAny ideas?=3DA0 I'm trying to avoid the issues many of you have =
had wi=3D
th being able to=3D0Aread Clayart but not being able to send CA a message.=
=3D0ATake care.=3DA0 Enjoy.=3D0AJoyce=3D0AIn the Mojave desert of Californi=
a where =3D
we've had wet weather as well as COLD.=3D0AFeels very good.=3DA0 Like every=
one =3D
else here in the Mojave, I brought out my raincoat=3D0Awhich is about ten y=
rs old and worn maybe three times except for my trip to London=3D0Awhere it=
ot a true workout.
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