Sheldon Bieber on mon 15 dec 97
Does anyone have any ideas about skin treatment. The skin at my finger
tips near the nails has been cracking . The more I throw the worse it
gets. Ive tried various hand creams without any luck. Rubber gloves
dont work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Shelly Bieber,
Earthart Pottery
Bonnie Thompson on tue 16 dec 97
DON'T throw with warm water! It opens the pores and allows the chemicals to
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Does anyone have any ideas about skin treatment. The skin at my finger
>tips near the nails has been cracking . The more I throw the worse it
>gets. Ive tried various hand creams without any luck. Rubber gloves
>dont work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Shelly Bieber,
>Earthart Pottery
Bonnie Thompson, Manager
Tech Underground, University of New Hampshire,
CIS Center - 54 College Road
Durham, NH 03824-3547
Phone-(603) 862-3675 Fax-(603) 862-1961
Rick Hugel on tue 16 dec 97
>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>Does anyone have any ideas about skin treatment. The skin at my finger
>tips near the nails has been cracking . The more I throw the worse it
>gets. Ive tried various hand creams without any luck. Rubber gloves
>dont work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Shelly Bieber,
>Earthart Pottery
Hurts, doesn't it? I have the same problem, but only in the winter. Like
you, hand creams don't work. For me the only thing that works is gloves
over hand cream once I have finished the day. The cracks I cover with
bandaids(before applying hand cream), and take a break from throwing by
spending a day trimming, attaching handles, brush decorating bisqued ware,
etc. I almost have to be religious about band aids, hand cream and gloves
to keep my hands in shape in the winter. Good luck!
Rick@ The ground is covered with frost every moring. Beautiful - but --cold
Liz Willoughby on wed 17 dec 97
Bonnie, Try using Vit.E ointment, petroleum based,(not the lotion) around
your nails and fingertips at bedtime, wearing cotton gloves if you can
stand it, and during the day applying before and after throwing. People on
the list have mentioned bag balm, but I have never tried it. Good luck, Liz
>>----------------------------Original message----------------------------
>>Does anyone have any ideas about skin treatment. The skin at my finger
>>tips near the nails has been cracking . The more I throw the worse it
>>gets. Ive tried various hand creams without any luck. Rubber gloves
>>dont work. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Shelly Bieber,
>>Earthart Pottery
> Bonnie Thompson, Manager
> Tech Underground, University of New Hampshire,
> CIS Center - 54 College Road
> Durham, NH 03824-3547
> Phone-(603) 862-3675 Fax-(603) 862-1961
Liz Willoughby
R.R. 1
Grafton, Ontario, Canada
K0K 2G0
LChisH99 on wed 17 dec 97
Cracking skin? Makes you feel some what akin to an elephant, doesn't it . . .
Try using udder balm (sold in Feed & Seed stores) on your hands after you have
finished potting each day. A more drastic solution is to cover your hands with
bag balm (and gloves!) before you go to bed each night.
Va Beach
Margaret Woodhead on wed 17 dec 97
Hi Sheldon,
A tip given me for working with porcelain was to put a little baby oil in
the throwing water, this would give protection to your hands while you
throw. would like to hear how you get on!!
<---- Regards Maggie ---->
New Zealand
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