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fw: cone six porcelain for soda?

updated tue 5 jan 10


Vince Pitelka on sun 3 jan 10

I hope Mel is okay. I am resending this so it will be in the discussion
now, and so it might reappear in a day or two.

I J Townshend wrote:
"I have enjoyed Ron Roy's thoughtful contributions for almost ten years now=
There has never been a trace of commercial prejudice in his contributions
and he has always been open about his connection with Tuckers."

I would have to second IJ's statement above. Having a highly-respected
expert like Ron Roy as a regular member who contributes so generously has
been one of the things that makes Clayart such a great discussion forum.
Those of us who are lucky to know Ron in person through the NCECA
conferences and other venues know him to be a warm and compassionate human
being. He works for Tucker because they respect and value his expertise,
and they benefit greatly from it, but I believe him to be completely fair
and impartial in his judgment, and if he ever makes comments that seem to
favor Tuckers, they must be well-founded.

At the same time, Paul Herman is a good friend of mine and I appreciate and
admire his feisty spirit. He's somehow gotten the wrong impression of Ron
Roy, but he's right about most things. It's a shame Paul has not had the
pleasure of meeting Ron in person and getting to know him a bit, but maybe
that can happen someday. I told Paul that he'll really like Ron when he
meets him in person. I know that to be true. They actually have quite a
bit in common.
- Vince

Vince Pitelka
Appalachian Center for Craft
Tennessee Tech University;