douglas fur on tue 5 jan 10
2009/12/18 Claudia MacPhee
They also dig clay from the shore and make things. (*Where's the bonfire
get to go on a hunt for wood bison. Before they can go on the bison hunt
they have to take all the hunter safety education courses and pass them.
When my oldest child was about two she showed too much interest in
lighting matches She learned how to make a proper fire and most important,
WHERE to make one. Worked so well that I did the same with all the other
kids about that age.
Claudia MacPhee Tagish, Yukon
It is "all of a piece" Fire, rifle, table saw, they're all powerful tools.
Learn to use them with resoect and you don't get bit. My oldest too is to=
interested in fire. I think she needs to do like you did- run it to
exhaustion,ligthing the fire each day until its just a tool and not a
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