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back to loading the wood fired kiln

updated fri 15 jan 10


gary navarre on thu 14 jan 10

OK Folks,=3D0A=3D0A That short break throwing a pot with the W80 was fun an=
d I'=3D
m working on a cold test out back on cross country skis when we had an hour=
of sun two days ago. It really hasn't been cold cold yet except once below=
0=3DB0 in December. It's only around freezing now so I should go out and c=
lect some compacted snow off the kiln covering to melt into studio water an=
d do a general snow removal in case I've gotten enough pots made to load mo=
re of the front. I just might light some more charcoal and start another wa=
rming fire like I did while loading the mid-front and it first started free=
zing overnight...=3D0A=3D0A
tp:// One other practice w=
e all =3D
do is checking the pyrometers, and a couple of meat thermometers for below =
700=3DB0F, and I do see the old ones I have are reacting to the heat so I m=
ht not need to replace the thermocouples yet, although I should just get tw=
o completely new meters while I still have some money coming in and call it=
good. Then I would have two accurate meters and two spares that react.=3D0=
=3D0A Since it felt like I might run low on enough clay to finish the load =
I =3D
got a few boxes of porcelain from Michael Wendt and made a couple of 2lb. a=
nd a couple 4lb. pots and got some shapes I'm looking for and it also spike=
d up the mix I have going so I can throw close to a foot cylinder for final=
forming into Dragon Pots. It seems to set up stiff sooner than a stoneware=
, a lot like the Rovin RO-99, but I bet that is one of the qualities of por=
celain and I need to keep it damper longer if I want to push the clay away =
from the thrown form. I have taken close to leather hard pots and dipped th=
em in the wash-up water a few times to make them soft again. That reminds m=
e, I have a few still soft pots under covers waiting for something to be do=
ne to them, even if it's wrong, so thanks for watching and learning and sta=
ying in there eh! =3D0A=3D0A =3D0AGary Navarre=3D0ANavarre Pottery=3D0ANav=
arre Enter=3D
prises=3D0ANorway, Michigan, USA=3D0A