Dean on fri 5 feb 10
I was looking at the recipe in Phil Rogers' book on ash glazes so=3DA0 it's=
he old one with Kaopaque 20.=3DA0 Laguna still lists it on their website, w=
n did it become unavailable?
William & Susan Schran User on sat 6 feb 10
Tom told me that Standard Ceramics is the only company licensed to make his
porcelain with his reformulation. I don't know about Laguna's formulation
of the porcelain or if it is Tom's formulation anymore, or if it is still
available - you'll need to contact Laguna and ask.
William "Bill" Schran
On 2/6/10 12:07 AM, "Dean" wrote:
> I was looking at the recipe in Phil Rogers' book on ash glazes so=3DA0 it=
's t=3D
> old one with Kaopaque 20.=3DA0 Laguna still lists it on their website, wh=
en d=3D
id it
> become unavailable?
> Dean
Brandon Phillips on sat 6 feb 10
i think kaopaque 20 is still available but not from pottery suppliers,
there is also a clay called kaopaque 10 which i believe is just a
different particle size. i looked around a couple months ago and found a
few industrial suppliers that carried k.10 and a couple that had k.20. i
didn't look any further into it.
brandon phillips
> I was looking at the recipe in Phil Rogers' book on ash glazes so it's
> the old one with Kaopaque 20. Laguna still lists it on their website,
> when did it become unavailable?
> Dean
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