Orion/Baker on thu 18 dec 97
A new neighbor has come to me asking how one might find a used (elec?)
wheel in the Seattle area -- anywhere in the northwest corner of Washington
State would be within reasonable range.
Any leads would sure be appreciated -- by direct e-mail, please.
Many thanks!
Ellen Baker
Glacier, WA
email: orion@telcomplus.com
site: www.telcomplus.com/~orion
GURUSHAKTI on fri 19 dec 97
Dear Ellen:
Have her check the pottery supply stores, clay centers, etc. They usually have
bulletin boards where people will put up notices of equipment and supplies for
Good luck!
Tim Lynch on sat 20 dec 97
I, too, have been checking around for a used wheel in the PNW for a
friend and found one, yes one, at Seattle Pottery Supply. It is a
Shimpo, refurbished for $550. It is about ten years old and weighs 80
lbs, according to Dave, the guy I talked to. Oh, yes, I have been
looking , too. Most of the major newspapers are online and have
searchable classifieds. You can also search the Nickel Ads at
http://www.nickelads.com. That covers most of the state of WA. good
luck and if you come across an extra wheel, let me know.
On Fri, 19 Dec
1997, GURUSHAKTI wrote:
> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
> Dear Ellen:
> Have her check the pottery supply stores, clay centers, etc. They usually have
> bulletin boards where people will put up notices of equipment and supplies for
> sale.
> Good luck!
> June
Tim Lynch
The Clay Man
748 Highline Drive
East Wenatchee, WA 98802-5606
email: tlynch@usa.net
telephone: 509-884-8303
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