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details "magic water" "air thickened defloccculayed slipp"

updated mon 15 feb 10


douglas fur on sat 13 feb 10

Oh Kay you guys
Can you share some details-
que pasta "Magic Water" ?
"air thickened deflocculated slip"?


ivor & olive lewis on sun 14 feb 10

Dear Douglas fur

To put you in the Picture.

<< Magic Water from Lana Wilson 1 gallon water 9.5 grams sodium silicate 3
grams soda ash. Barbara Lewis WellSpring Clayworks ...>>

Two different recipes are attributed to Lana Wilson.
Recipe One
1 gallon water 3.785 litres
9.5 grams sodium silicate
3 grams soda ash

Recipe Two
1 gallon water 3.785 litres
3 Tbsp liquid sodium silicate
1 1/2 tsp soda ash >>

"Air thickened deflocculated slip"?

The stuff I use. Without scoring or scratching or trying to make a Dovetail

I prepare a solution of Dispex (or Darvan 7) to the recommended dilution ( =
recall one percent as being adequate) and put this in a mixing container.

I would weigh out 20 grams of deflocculant+water and 80 grams of powdered

Then I take my base clay which has been dried then crushed to pass 100 mesh=
Sift this onto the surface of the fluid. allow it to slake totally. I then
allow it to stand overnight before I gently mix. This should be a fluid
which pours like single cream. Leave in a warm place so that some of the
water evaporates, gently mixing occasionally until it takes the consistency
of double cream, that is, it will make "stand up" peaks. Store in an
airtight container. I use plastic sauce bottles with narrow spouts and caps
as closures.

Hope you try it and have instant success.

Why does it work?...Who cares? I have joined collars with a circumference o=
over one metre to slab bases to make bonsai planters and never had one
fracture along the joint.


Ivor Lewis,
South Australia