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monitor calibration software i.e. spyder1,2,3 huey, etc

updated tue 2 mar 10


Tony Ferguson on mon 1 mar 10


You're right.=3DA0 This is not an off topic subject.=3DA0 I have used the s=
r 2 which has been great for our photo and video (especially the web design=
work) I do business but was looking to see if anyone on the list would off=
er some other recommendations.=3DA0 This will become more and more of an is=
e for artists--calibrating their monitors =3D3D actual representation on ju=
ing panels, grants, etc.=3DA0 The spyder series works well--looking at spyd=
3, huey, and others.=3DA0 Anyone else have experience with these?

Tony Ferguson


Tony Ferguson
Artist/Educator...Clay, Web, Photo, Video, Digital
...where the sky meets the lake...=3D20
Workshops, Websites, Film making
& Online Digital Photography Training


--- On Mon, 3/1/10, Carl Finch wrote:

From: Carl Finch
Subject: Re: [Clayart] OT: Monitor Calibration Software i.e. spyder1,2,3 =
Huey, etc
To: "Tony Ferguson" , Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG
Date: Monday, March 1, 2010, 3:51 PM

At 08:24 PM 2/28/2010, Tony Ferguson wrote:

> Wondering what recommendations folks have for monitor calibration.=3DA0 J=
t got a new 23" Samsung.

It strikes me as a little odd that this question is labeled as Off Topic.=
=3DA0 The reason being that a great many Clayart threads are written to ask=
bout, and to recommend, the great variety of cameras and lighting schemes, =
but nothing is ever said about printing, and very little about monitors.

I am aware that many (most?) jurying is now done via digital image files, b=
ut surely many of you print the pictures that you've so painstakingly light=
ed and created with those expensive DSLRs.=3DA0 And even if you don't print=
, =3D
if your monitor has, say, a green color cast, and you adjust your photo's c=
olor to correct for that, your image will appear "off" on others' screens!=
=3DA0 Surely you've seen web pages where photos were washed out, or too dar=
or off in color--the fault is either the web builder's monitor or yours!

Anyway, if printing is of importance to you, you really ought to look into =
Tony's topic:=3DA0 Color Calibration.=3DA0 One can waste a great amount of =
and money (ink, paper) attempting to get a printed photo that looks like w=
hat's displayed on ones monitor.

There are manual (eye-ball) techniques for calibrating ones monitor.=3DA0 T=
se can be found (for free) on the Internet.=3DA0 But far easier and more ac=
rate are the hardware devices Tony mentions.=3DA0 You might start with this=

I recently bought a "Spyder3 Express."=3DA0 It is composed of the colorimet=
(the hardware device that rests on the face of the monitor during the cali=
bration process) and a utility program that generates colors on your screen=
and then "reads" what your monitor has generated.=3DA0 It then stores this=
nformation on your system and sends the 'corrective' info to the graphic ad=
apter (the card that controls your monitor).=3DA0 The price was $80.=3DA0 T=
he c=3D
alibration process could not have been easier--start the utility, sit back =
and watch the pretty colors, and ten minutes later it's done.=3DA0 It requi=
s no intervention, no judgement decisions on your part, and the calibration=
correction is applied automatically.

Here's a review of the Spyder3 Express including screen shots of the proces=

This review also includes lots of basic color management explanation.=3DA0 =
r example, click on "Why don't my prints match my screen?" near the bottom =
of the page!

There are more expensive models of Spyder3 (the Elite and the Pro) and ther=
e are other manufacturers, for example Huey and Pantone.

in Medford, Oregon
