Beth Donovan on sun 7 mar 10
I got to thinking, here I am with our 80 acres, goats, horses, chickens,
ducks, guineas, peafowl, bunnies, etc., and a zillion osage orange trees I'=
trying to cut down before they take over all of flyover country, that maybe
I should build a kiln. (Good Lord, that was a ridiculously long sentence!=
Osage Orange is a very hot-burning wood, and rather than just building a
big bonfire every month or so to burn the darn things, perhaps I would be
better off burning them for a good reason - a kiln!
Of course, since all I have is an electric kiln, I have no idea what is
Can any of you recommend a book with fairly simple and complete instruction=
on how to build a wood-fired kiln? I need something that is very complete.
Thanks very much in advance,
Beth Donovan
Castle Argghhh!! Farm
Easton, Kansas
Lee Love on mon 8 mar 10
On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 7:45 AM, Paul Haigh wrote:
> Beth- If you want to do some reading and learn all the basics, the Olsen'=
s "The Kiln Book" is pretty complete.
I saw the lastest version at Halfprice books. =3DA0 More stuff on woodfire =
I forgot to mention Kusababe and Lancet's book. =3DA0 I especially like
the section with images of different types of ash and flashing effects
and Japanese names for them.
=3DA0Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis
=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi
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