Claire Reishman on tue 23 mar 10
Here are the clay offerings at Shakerag Workshops for this summer=3D
. Shakerag Workshops take place in Sewanee, Tennessee in June, a=3D
nd we still have space in each of our clay classes at this time.
Session one - June 13-19
Margaret Bohls - Expressive Slab Built Pottery
In this class participants will learn how to build functiona=3D
l yet inventive forms using clay slabs. The class will explore a=3D20=3D
breadth of possibilities for form, using both soft and stiff slab=3D
s to create forms ranging from organic and gestural to clean and=3D20=3D
architectural. Demonstrations will include ways to create and use=3D
paper patterns and textured slabs, alternate ways of making spou=3D
ts, lids, and handles, and making and using stamps and sprigs.
Discussions will provide ideas about how to develop one=3DB9s own e=3D
xpressive form language and surface decoration and different ways=3D
to conceptualize functional forms. Margaret will share a collect=3D
ion of glazes she has gathered and developed for rich color and d=3D
epth of surface. For inspiration, we will look at images of a wid=3D
e range of historical and contemporary pottery forms.
Charity Davis-Woodard - On and Off: Taking Wheel Thrown Work to=3D20=3D
the Table
This class will move participants forward in their ability to=3D
begin pots on the wheel and then shift to the table for alterati=3D
ons with thrown and hand-built parts. A determined focus on handl=3D
es and spouts will help participants build confidence with those=3D20=3D
challenging attachments. We will study how the personality of a p=3D
ot can be influenced by the decisions made about lids and feet as=3D
we consider issues such as proportion, volume, balance, and scal=3D
e. Examining images of historical and contemporary work will back=3D
us up in our own spirited exploration in the studio. Although pi=3D
eces will be bisque-fired only, demonstrations and discussion of=3D20=3D
surface treatments will include the use of line and texture on we=3D
t clay, various resist techniques of slips at the bone-dry and bi=3D
sque stages, and glaze choices for wood, soda, and reduction firi=3D
Session Two - June 20-26
Lisa Naples - Handbuilding Pots While Conjuring the Three Graces:=3D
Slabs, Coils, and Pinching
In this weeklong intensive class, we will explore these t=3D
hree handbuilding techniques as they concern the building of pots=3D
(main emphasis is on function). Those who want to build non-func=3D
tional pots, but want to hone these skills are also welcome to pa=3D
rtake as these systems come in just as handy in one=3DB9s own lovel=3D
y world of make believe and imagination. We=3DB9ll work with textur=3D
es using all manner of objects: Indian fabric stamps, seed pods,=3D20=3D
junk from the dollar store, whatever. Then we=3DB9ll add color with=3D
stained slip used in a pudding consistency known as =3D8Cdry brush=3D
ing=3DB9 so as not to obliterate the texture. Detailed instructions=3D
for glazing and firing (including my recipes for clay, slip, and=3D
glaze) will be provided. With only one week to work, participant=3D
s will go home with either green or bisqued (but not glazed) pots=3D
Gay Smith - Vibrant Pots: Form, Surface, and Soda Firing
In this workshop we will explore ways to make lively, exc=3D
iting pots. We will glaze bisqued pieces and fire them in a soda=3D20=3D
kiln, and we will work with altering the form and surface of fres=3D
hly thrown pots. Form and surface treatments, including slips and=3D
glazes that are particularly responsive to the effects of soda f=3D
iring, will be covered. Squaring, ovaling, fluting, faceting, alt=3D
ering lidded forms, feet, and handles will be amongst techniques=3D20=3D
presented. Also on offer will be lively conversations ranging ove=3D
r our interests, passions, aesthetics, including raw glazing, sin=3D
gle firing, and firing a soda kiln. Please bring your bisque ware=3D
for our soda firing.
For more information check our website -- --- o=3D
r contact me by email or phone.
Claire Reishman
931-968-0210 X3165
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