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student has glaze composition question on claystation community

updated fri 2 apr 10


Andy Clift on tue 30 mar 10

Need help stabilizing glaze: Leach 1234

I'm a student at Henderson State University working with some fairly =3D
stable glazes in the college's studio (stable as in, not much crawling), =
and Leach 1234 is one of them. It is our standard "white" glaze. It's a =3D
great glaze, except it tends to make glaze-less bubbles along the rim. I =
hesitate to call it crawling, since it's minor, but it's not at all =3D

At first, it was thought to be a problem with user error, when it came =3D
to applying the glaze,,, but that isn't the case, as tests have shown, =3D

To read the rest of this post or help answer this question please visit =3D
this link: =3D

Thank you, Admin - Andy Clift=3D