Antoinette Badenhorst on mon 12 apr 10
I was writing to my friend a potters friend in SA las t night about NCECA w=
hen I just once again realized how blessed I am to call myself a clayarter.=
Every once in a while I blow my gasket over some stupid remark, but I am s=
ure I irritate some of you some times as well, so I guess we are quits.=3D2=
I came back home with little treasures after NCECA. An exchange mug from Ma=
y Luk that fits perfectly in my hand ( it's actually a glass), a little gre=
en=3DC2=3DA0fish from Chris Campbell that brings a smile to my face every t=
ime =3D
I looks into=3DC2=3DA0its smiling face while it sits on my bathroom counter=
, a =3D
comfortable mug from Lori Leary that=3DC2=3DA0I loved the minute I had my e=
yes =3D
on it, =3DC2=3DA0a little flower refrigerator magnet that brightens my day =
( an=3D
d here I hit a blank spot again I can see her, I know her work, but her nam=
e got lost for the moment! me out guys!) a smooth polishing stome f=
rom Bryan Johnston that I just love to touch and turn around to look at the=
colors, a mug from Fred with faces of some of you guys on it. Logan, the l=
ittle trinket box that you=3DC2=3DA0gave me looks beautiful on the bathroom=
ntertop and I am going back and forth t o think what=3DC2=3DA0will =3DC2=3D=
A0fit be=3D
st in there. I love the glass that you worked so successfully in with the g=
laze on the lid. =3DC2=3DA0Finaly I have the best piece of=3DC2=3DA0Kathlee=
n H amle=3D
t with bright colors that remind me so much of South African sunsets. Am I =
rich or am I rich! Thank you guys, I will treasure those for ever.=3D20
I love my pieces from previous years and wish I can remember all the artist=
s that I got them from. I should have documented all the previous exchanges=
from the beginning. If you know that you exchanged with me in the past, pl=
ease let me know.=3D20
For all those that invited me to join with meals, I loved visiting with you=
and get to know you better and a very special thanks to Mark=3DC2=3DA0 and=
e that acommpanied me back to my hotel that one evening when it was late an=
d I got a little scared that the streets got less safe.=3D20
My roommate Kathleen, I hope your ears are cooled down by now after I talke=
d so much! Thank you so much for your hospitality.=3D20
Jean, you were such a jewel with the Strictly Functonal show that you broug=
ht to us. The works were beautiful and you are a gracious person. was such =
a pleasure to meet you.=3D20
Mel, our comander and teddy bear.............what shall I say, you had a le=
ss relaxing experience this time, but we appreciated you for all you do, yo=
ur leadership and inisiative and advice. Thank you and all teh best with th=
e kiln book.=3D20
To all others that had friendly words, Elizabeth for forgiving me that I di=
srupted her demo, kind works about my pots and any other kind gestures, tha=
nk you and a nother thank you to the porcelain chatters.=3D20
Now I can set NCECA 2010 behind me, except for the fresh challenges that ca=
me from it. I am planning on signing off for a few weeks, so if you need to=
get in contact with me, please do so off list or find me on my website at =
=3D .=3D20
Best wishes, as always,=3D20
Antoinette Badenhorst=3D20
Lincolnshire, Illinois=3D20
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