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a clay and glaze question

updated wed 26 may 10


Bruce Bowers on tue 25 may 10

Hi All,
I have been making wood fired pottery for quite some time and it recently
occurred to me that similar forms to the ones I have been making, only with
a pure white, clear glazed clay might be interesting.
Not only could I show them along with my wood fired stuff, but the quality
of surface would focus the eye on form alone.
Does anyone want to share a good combo of white clay (electric kiln would
be great) and a matt or semi matt white. The white glaze could show slight
variations....but only slight.
It has been so long since I have done any electric firing that I have lost
all of my "good stuff" from that period. Also, many of the clays from back
then are no longer available.
Any help would be great.
I'm excited about this possible direction as a compliment, both
aesthetically and in terms of process, to my current stuff.
Best to all,
Bruce Bowers
_www.bowerswoodfireandpics.com_ (

Lee Love on tue 25 may 10

How about white slip under clear:

I've always like Hamada's Okinawan single fired slipped ware. I am
experimenting at cone one inspired by this work. Hamada example

Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis

=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi