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fw: bad images on gallery website.

updated fri 28 may 10


Susan Fox Hirschmann on thu 27 may 10

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Susan Fox Hirschmann
=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A----- Forwarded Message ----=3D0AFrom: Susan Fox Hirsch=
mann>=3D0ATo: clayart_friends10@COMCAST.NET=3D0ASent: Th=
u, M=3D
ay 27, 2010 8:16:17 AM=3D0ASubject: Re: Bad images on gallery website.=3D0A=
=3D0AMsot galleries, even small gift stores, know that marketing sells and =
od marketing sells better:=3DA0 What could be better than using professiona=
l =3D
images of the artists' work?=3D0AIn a kindly way, (ya need to be careful he=
not to sound like you are telling them what to do!), tell them that you ha=
ve professional images that they can use whenever they like with your permi=
ssion.=3DA0 You cannot TELL galleries how to behave, as they have your work=
nd it is their decision to purchase it. You have to tread lightly here, in =
a kind a complimentary manner to avoid confrontation and keep them happy wi=
th you.=3DA0 Your phraseology will mean everything to whether they may use =
ur images or not.=3DA0 You may even have to agree to have them photoshopped=
o their specs, if the files are too big.=3DA0 It is worth the discussion.=
est of luck!=3D0ASusan=3D0Asusan fox hirschmann=3D0Aannandale, va=3D0Awww.p=
0AFrom: Antoinet=3D
te Badenhorst =3D0ATo: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.=
G=3D0ASent: Wed, May 26, 2010 10:47:03 AM=3D0ASubject: Bad images on galler=
y we=3D
bsite.=3D0A=3D0AClayarters, how does one handle it if an art gallery chose =
to t=3D
ake their own images of one's work and the images that they publish on thei=
r website is worse than the one's that you've provided them with, particula=
rly if the work does not belong to you any more?=3D0A=3D0A=3D0AAntoinette B=