Elizabeth Priddy on mon 7 jun 10
Very nice!
Are they mixed into the background and then made into a slab?
And if so, why doesn't the whole thing break wherever the
already fired pieces are?
- ePriddy
Elizabeth Priddy
Beaufort, NC - USA
Chris Campbell on mon 7 jun 10
I mentioned that I wanted to try this a
long time ago, but I have just finished
a load of work I am happy with where
I recycled my old work as grog.
I take the pieces that crack or warp in
the high firing, smash them, run the
pieces through a rock tumbler to smooth
them. sieve them to sort for sizes ...
then knead the pieces into fresh porcelain.
At first I tried the smaller pieces but did
not really like the results, so moved up to
larger and larger chunks ...
very cool results.
Now I want even bigger chunks of the
pieces since they hold their shapes and
don't fall off.
I know I should stick to my precise, orderly
style, but this is just too much fun.
Chris Campbell - in North Carolina
Chris Campbell Pottery LLC
Designs in Colored Porcelain
August 15-21, 2010
Touchstone Center for Crafts
1049 Wharton Furnace Road
Farmington PA 15437
David Woof on tue 8 jun 10
Chris says:<<<style=3D2C but this is just too much fun.>>>
Woof says: Oh do have fun Chris=3D2C play on.......
Hi everyone=3D2C Chris hit on a serious point=3D3B that of regular profe=
nal serious playful fun that takes us to the next level or facet in our jou=
rney/development of our work and a life well lived as working artists.=3D20
Anyone that follows Chris' work knows of her attention to craftsmanship and=
of her professionalism. =3D20
I am in her cheering section when she or anyone mentions fun and alludes to=
a playful discovery mission or pushing into new territory.=3D20
We do develop an observable signature/voice/style and this feeds us on many=
personal levels=3D2C but this other playful fascination with discovery asp=
t is what keeps our feet hitting the floor eager for another day and keeps =
a forward motion in our work.=3D20
Each Semester I tell my students=3D2C and this nudges me in my work also=3D=
2C t=3D
hat I only give A's as a grade when I see evidence of occasional failure an=
d creative response to failure in executing an idea. =3D20
If we aren't out in front of our comfort zone taking some risks we are just=
going through familiar repetitive motions and everyone knows what we commo=
nly call that activity.=3D20
David Woof... In Clarkdale=3D2C Arizona...Always looking for an inquisitive=
nteraction with the materials or person at hand.
2. Old work recycled as grog
Posted by: "Chris Campbell" ccpottery@BELLSOUTH.NET=3D20
Date: Mon Jun 7=3D2C 2010 2:01 pm ((PDT))
I mentioned that I wanted to try this a
long time ago=3D2C but I have just finished
a load of work I am happy with where
I recycled my old work as grog.
I take the pieces that crack or warp in
the high firing=3D2C smash them=3D2C run the
pieces through a rock tumbler to smooth
them. sieve them to sort for sizes ...
then knead the pieces into fresh porcelain.
At first I tried the smaller pieces but did
not really like the results=3D2C so moved up to
larger and larger chunks ...
very cool results.
Now I want even bigger chunks of the
pieces since they hold their shapes and
don't fall off.
I know I should stick to my precise=3D2C orderly
style=3D2C but this is just too much fun.
Chris Campbell - in North Carolina
Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search=3D2C chat and e-mail from your i=
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