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i made a banding wheel from .......

updated wed 9 jun 10


gayle bair on mon 7 jun 10

Hi Adam,

Thanks for the demo.

The banding wheel I made yesterday was from a small plastic cable spool.
Hubby had ordered some cable and was about to trash the spool.=3D20
I snatched it, measured, drilled two holes and woo-hoo it fits perfectly =
on the bat pins & is the right height for me.
I usually sgraffito my pieces sitting at my wheel but have had to resort =
to all kinds of Rube Goldberg solutions to raise it to a comfortable =3D
My very heavy, too tall banding wheel is now on the shelf. I continually =
hurt my wrist when I'd lift it with one hand.
I'm very happy I found a really good use for that spool. One less piece =3D
of plastic in the landfill.
It took about 3 minutes. Win-win!

Gayle Bair
Bainbridge Island WA
Tucson AZ

On Jun 7, 2010, at 10:55 AM, Glistering Phaeton wrote:

> ...and posted the "How To" video on youtube, if anyone is interested.
> Didn't cost me a dime!
> Comments and improvement suggestions are appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Adam
> -Los Angeles