Elizabeth Priddy on thu 17 jun 10
I would like another York kickwheel. If you have one and do not want it an=
y more, I would like to trade work for the wheel. Please look at my websit=
e for examples of my work. I am willing to make 2 custom wall pieces, pain=
ted with your choice of subject, valued at $300 for the two in exchange for=
a York kick wheel.
I am wanting a second one for my son to use. He is 5 and needs to start wo=
rking for his keep!
Thanks, please contact me offlist if you are interested in trading. Also i=
f you know of somewhere I could buy one used for much less cash.
- ePriddy
Elizabeth Priddy
Beaufort, NC - USA
Elizabeth Priddy on thu 17 jun 10
I know!=3D0A=3D0AI really just want him to have his own. I am teaching him=
to =3D
throw this summer and I am irrationally attached to my own York. =3D0A=3D0=
that little cuss has started eating a LOT!=3D0A=3D0AI really need another =
, though. Help me Clayart!=3D0A=3D0A- ePriddy=3D0A=3D0AElizabeth Priddy=3D=
, NC - USA=3D0A=3D0Ahttp://www.elizabethpriddy.com=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A--- On Thu=
, 6/17/10,=3D
Larry Kruzan wrote:=3D0A=3D0A> From: Larry Kruz=
an <=3D
larry_kruzan@comcast.net>=3D0A> Subject: RE: york kickwheel trade=3D0A> To:=
lizabeth Priddy'" , Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0A> Da=
: Thursday, June 17, 2010, 8:45 PM=3D0A> WOW E!!!!! =3D0A> =3D0A> I can't b=
you waited till he is five years old before=3D0A> forcing him to=3D0A> ear=
n hi=3D
s keep. At this late stage in life, you may have=3D0A> already condemned=3D=
0A> =3D
him to a life time of servitude in some menial position=3D0A> flipping burg=
s.=3D0A> Time to get him working hard now!! I would recommend a=3D0A> five-=
=3D0A> apprenticeship in the outer reaches of Mongolia while=3D0A> there's =
l a chance=3D0A> to give him direction in life. =3D0A> =3D0A> Upon his retu=
rn fro=3D
m Mongolia I would immediately enroll=3D0A> him into one of our=3D0A> natio=
ns f=3D
inest military institutions. This should be=3D0A> immediately followed by=
a Four year enlistment in the Army or Marines. =3D0A> =3D0A> At that point=
he =3D
should be ready to return to civilized=3D0A> life as a useful=3D0A> member =
of s=3D
ociety.=3D0A> =3D0A> Or - you could just send him to kindergarten this year=
.=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> Larry Kruzan=3D0A> Lost Creek Pottery=3D0A> www.lostc=
y.com=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> -----Original Message-----=
=3D0A> From: Cla=3D
yart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG]=3D0A> On Behalf Of Elizabeth=3D0A> P=
y=3D0A> Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:54 AM=3D0A> To: Clayart@LSV.CERAMIC=
G=3D0A> Subject: york kickwheel trade=3D0A> =3D0A> I would like another Yor=
k kick=3D
wheel.=3DA0 If you have one=3D0A> and do not want it any=3D0A> more, I woul=
d like=3D
to trade work for the wheel.=3DA0=3D0A> Please look at my website=3D0A> fo=
r exam=3D
ples of my work.=3DA0 I am willing to make 2=3D0A> custom wall pieces, pain=
=3D0A> with your choice of subject, valued at $300 for the two in=3D0A> exc=
e for a=3D0A> York kick wheel.=3D0A> =3D0A> I am wanting a second one for m=
y son =3D
to use.=3DA0 He is 5=3D0A> and needs to start=3D0A> working for his keep!=
=3D0A> =3D0A=3D
> Thanks, please contact me offlist if you are interested in=3D0A> trading.=
=3DA0 Also if=3D0A> you know of somewhere I could buy one used for much les=
> cash.=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> - ePriddy=3D0A> =3D0A> Elizabeth Priddy=3D0A> B=
eaufort, NC =3D
- USA=3D0A> =3D0A> http://www.elizabethpriddy.com=3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D0A=
> =3D0A> =3D0A> =3D
=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D0A> Email scanned by PC Tools - No vi=
ruses or spyware=3D
found.=3D0A> (Email Guard:, Virus/Spyware Database: 6.15240)=3D0A=
> ht=3D
tp://www.pctools.com/=3D0A> =3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D3D=3D0A> =3D0A=
Larry Kruzan on thu 17 jun 10
WOW E!!!!!
I can't believe you waited till he is five years old before forcing him to
earn his keep. At this late stage in life, you may have already condemned
him to a life time of servitude in some menial position flipping burgers.
Time to get him working hard now!! I would recommend a five-year
apprenticeship in the outer reaches of Mongolia while there's still a chanc=
to give him direction in life.
Upon his return from Mongolia I would immediately enroll him into one of ou=
nations finest military institutions. This should be immediately followed b=
a Four year enlistment in the Army or Marines.
At that point he should be ready to return to civilized life as a useful
member of society.
Or - you could just send him to kindergarten this year.....
Larry Kruzan
Lost Creek Pottery
-----Original Message-----
From: Clayart [mailto:Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG] On Behalf Of Elizabeth
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2010 9:54 AM
Subject: york kickwheel trade
I would like another York kickwheel. If you have one and do not want it an=
more, I would like to trade work for the wheel. Please look at my website
for examples of my work. I am willing to make 2 custom wall pieces, painte=
with your choice of subject, valued at $300 for the two in exchange for a
York kick wheel.
I am wanting a second one for my son to use. He is 5 and needs to start
working for his keep!
Thanks, please contact me offlist if you are interested in trading. Also i=
you know of somewhere I could buy one used for much less cash.
- ePriddy
Elizabeth Priddy
Beaufort, NC - USA
Email scanned by PC Tools - No viruses or spyware found.
(Email Guard:, Virus/Spyware Database: 6.15240)
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