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now why i like face book

updated sun 27 jun 10


Lee Love on fri 25 jun 10

Clifton, Norwich & Sabra,

You point out something that makes Facebook useful to me.
I keep in touch with my kids in Michigan, California and New Zealand.
We get to see what each other are doing without them having to sign
up on a list, where I would be the only thing interesting to them.
I get to see what is on their minds, follow articles that they post to
I also keep in touch with friends in Japan and other
places around the globe. One of the nice things about it is similar
to how I read clayart in Gmail: you get to see a sentence or two and
if it grabs your interests, you can read the rest of the article.
Gmail helps separate the chaff from the grain and so does Facebook.

If you have multiple blogs, it is also a way to
consolidate them. When you post to your blog, a notice is sent to you
Facebook friends. Organizations use them too. They often send
out workshop and competition announcements.

The great thing is that you can block all the games and any
gadgets you don't want to see. It is very flexible, but it might not
appeal very well to authoritarian types. You also find that creative
types tend to be liberal/progressive when authoritarians aren't
shouting at them to shut up.

Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis

=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi