Sumi von Dassow on sun 27 jun 10
You might be interested in a workshop that Bob Smith and I will be
teaching July 10 and 17. It is called Pit and Saggar firing, and this is
your opportunity to saggar-firing in the Washington Heights gas kiln,
with Bob's expert assistance. Participants must bring greenware on July
10, and we'll show everyone how to burnish and/or apply terra sigillata,
and help everybody make saggars for the pieces that will be
saggar-fired. On the 17th we'll load the pit and light it, then load the
saggars and load them into the kiln and fire it. Both firings will be
unloaded the next day. The fee is $85 if you register before July 3; $90
thereafter. To register, call the Washington Heights Art Center at
If you aren't personally able to attend this workshop, please forward
this information to anyone else who might be interested. There must be
plenty of potters in the Denver area who would like to try pit and/or
saggar firing!
To see Bob's beautiful work, go to
I included his saggar-fired work in my book "Low-Firing and Burnishing"
as well as, of course, my own pit-fired work. My website is listed below
to see what my work looks like.
Sumi von Dassow
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