Fabienne McMillan on sun 4 jul 10
I'm getting frustrated looking around an old hard drive to find old
plans to build a spray booth... no luck so far. I'm wondering if any
of you might have plans handy or a book/link where I could look them up.
Thank you,
"We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace." ~
Peggy Tabor Millin
Sandy miller on mon 5 jul 10
Archives, go to the archives........... they have everything you need and
On Mon, Jul 5, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Fabienne McMillan wrote:
> I'm getting frustrated looking around an old hard drive to find old
> plans to build a spray booth... no luck so far. I'm wondering if any
> of you might have plans handy or a book/link where I could look them up.
> Thank you,
> Fabienne
> "We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace." ~
> Peggy Tabor Millin
MEUNIER LEE on mon 5 jul 10
This is to re-introduce Fabienne to the "new" claybuds. She is not=3D
=3D0A=3D0AThis is to re-introduce Fabienne to the "new" claybuds.=3DA0 She =
is not=3D
a Rank=3D0ABeginner but has been out of the pottery world for some time no=
w =3D
focusing=3D0Aon family and their needs.=3D0A=3D0AFabienne was as respected =
as any=3D
claybud during her years on Clayart.=3D0AShe was, like so many of us, both=
student and a mentor generously=3D0Aoffering help whenever she had the exp=
ience and information.=3DA0 She=3D0Aattended clay functions and had a large=
up of cheerleaders when she=3D0Afell in love with crystals. I have one of h=
small plates.... beautiful!=3DA0 She=3D0Awas a lot of fun, too; her wit wa=
s ap=3D
preciated by many.=3D0A=3D0AShe came back on line and was thrilled to see s=
o ma=3D
ny names from the=3D0Apast ...... names of gurus and those who don't accept=
guru" status but=3D0Ajust want to help.=3DA0 I am sure those were the buds =
she =3D
felt she was=3D0Aaddressing, knowing that they would offer a hand of help w=
re they could.=3D0A=3D0AI'm sure if you look at the archives you'll find ma=
ny o=3D
f her own posts.... probably=3D0Asome displaying knowledge of which she is =
w unsure.=3DA0 She'll be on her=3D0Afeet soon making it work and helping wh=
ere =3D
she can.=3D0A=3D0AJoyce=3D0AIn the Mojave Desert of California=3DA0making n=
oise wit=3D
h=3DA0that plastic horn every chance she gets.....=3D0Afiguratively speakin=
g, o=3D
f course.=3D0A=3D0A> I'm getting frustrated looking around an old hard driv=
e to=3D
find old=3D0A> plans to build a spray booth... no luck so far.=3DA0 I'm wo=
ing if any=3D0A> of you might have plans handy or a book/link where I could=
ook them up.=3D0A>=3D0A> Thank you,=3D0A>=3D0A> Fabienne=3D0A>=3D0A> "We ne=
ver touch pe=3D
ople so lightly that we do not leave a trace." ~=3D0A> Peggy Tabor Millin=
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