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why contribute to your cancer society !!!

updated mon 26 jul 10


Edouard Bastarache on fri 23 jul 10

International Journal of Environmental Research and=3D20
Public Health=3D20
Cancer, Infant Mortality and Birth Sex-Ratio in Fallujah, Iraq=3D20

This study was intended to investigate the accuracy of the various =3D
reports which have been emerging from Fallujah regarding perceived =3D
increases in birth defects, infant deaths and cancer in the population =3D
and to examine samples from the area for the presence of mutagenic =3D
substances that may explain any results. We conclude that the results =3D
confirm the reported increases in cancer and infant mortality which are =3D
alarmingly high. The remarkable reduction in the sex ratio in the cohort =
born one year after the fighting in 2004 identifies that year as the =3D
time of the environmental contamination. In our opinion, the magnitude =3D
of these effects make it difficult to question them on the basis of any =3D
of the hypothetical shortcomings of the study type which we have =3D
considered although these must be borne in mind. However, owing to the =3D
various constraints placed by circumstance on the methods employed, we =3D
must emphasise that the results of this study should be interpreted with =
those aspects in mind. Finally, the results reported here do not throw =3D
any light upon the identity of the agent(s) causing the increased levels =
of illness and although we have drawn attention to the use of depleted =3D
uranium as one potential relevant exposure, there may be other =3D
possibilities and we see the current study as investigating the =3D
anecdotal evidence of increases in cancer and infant mortality in =3D


Edouard Bastarache=3D20
