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buying glaze, buying glaze materials

updated wed 28 jul 10


Deborah Thuman on tue 27 jul 10

We do both. But now... we only buy a few commercial glazes. We buy
glaze materials - not in the 50# bag but by the pound. Yes, it's
cheaper by the 50# bag. But, right now, it would take us forever to
use that 50# bag. Unless it's plaster - and then we buy two bags at a
pop. Jim likes making and using molds.

We're still looking for those glazes we can't live without. Jim has
never met a glaze recipe he didn't need to test. I like using a
base recipe and then seeing what different colorants will do.

For my next experiment, I'm going to learn how to spray glaze. There's
a spray booth all set up at the university and it's severely underused
(meaning there's lots of time for me to use it). I need to work on my
glaze technique and I want something that will work reliably. Yes, I
do know about making the 5-gallon bucket of glaze. The problem is, I
haven't found a glaze I love enough to make that much in which to dunk
my work.

Deb Thuman