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everything i need to know about throwing i learned in kinderga=

updated sun 1 aug 10


Lee Love on sat 31 jul 10


On Sat, Jul 31, 2010 at 10:23 AM, Carl Cravens wrote:
> On 07/30/2010 03:56 PM, Eric Hansen wrote:
>> Everything a person needs to know about throwing on the wheel can be
>> covered in a 20 minute demo.
> Of course, that was just the beginning. =3DA0I may know a beautiful curve=
hen I
> see it, but getting that curve from my head and into the pot isn't so eas=
> =3DA0Practice, practice, practice.

I picked it up quickly. When my fellow students asked me how I
did it, I explained that because clay was free and recyclable at the
UofMN, I made many things and kept few in the green state. I recycled
most of it. Maybe I passed a ton of clay through my hands that first
throwing class.

Most students, for the 5 cylinders assignment, threw until
they had 5 keepable cylindars, sometimes 3 inches tall. I thew
hundreds and kept only the best 5.

So, I home that young courageous teacher has bought herself a
wheel and set it up in her kitchen or patio and bought a couple
hundred pounds of clay.

=3DA0Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis

=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi