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judging wall thickness for trimming.

updated tue 3 aug 10


Lili Krakowski on mon 2 aug 10

When I was at Hunter College my art teacher was Dr Lutz. (All I know =3D
about her) Early in the term she handed all of us a piece of colored =3D
paper at the beginning of class and told us to study it. At the end of =
class she told us to have one last look--as we were to go out and by the =
next class bring in some cloth or thread or anything THE COLOR OF OUR =3D
PAPER. The she collected the samples. Most of us were able to match =3D
from memory. We underuse out brains for these matters....So, Vince =3D
is more than right that you can train hand eye and ear to ascertain the =3D
thickness of a pot wall.

Throw about ten identical bottles (as that is your concern).
Before you collar in enough for your hand not to find down, "fit" and =3D
"measure" the wall thickness at the bottom.=3D20
Keep some sort of record..."just right" " a bit thin" and so on.
Finish your bottles and cut in half from bottom to top. Good tight =3D
wire does it.
See how good your guess was.
Repeat exercise till your guesses are 90% right or thereabouts.

Also., Tap closed pots before trimming. Closed shapes resonate nicely, =
and you can train your ear so as to know what the thickness is. Those =3D
of you with good or perfect pitch will have fun with this.

After some 50 problem.
Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage