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update on "upstarts" show

updated thu 12 aug 10


Elizabeth Willoughby on sun 8 aug 10

Well, well, well,
There is a fellow here with a huge grin on his face. His name is Ron, and
he is ecstatic with his sales at Jonathon Bancroft-Snell Gallery in London,
Ontario. As a result, he is also eager to get to the wheel again. Jonathon
came to the studio one day to choose Ron's work, and spied a stoneware
bottle made in the 60's. . .sold for four figures! and others as well. I a=
also happy with my sales.
If you have not seen the show, it is on for a few more weeks. A lot of wor=
displayed in the area provided, but that did not seem to lesson the show or
sales at all.

Again, the people represented in this show are: Joyce Wheatley, Ann
Mortimer, Tam Irving, Tom Smith, Judith Graham, Ann Roberts, Mayta Markson,
Dean Mullavey, Wayne Ngan, Robert Archambeau, Victor Cicansky, Ron Roy,
Jack Sures, Judy Weeden, Marlene Bowman, Sally Michener, Roger Kerslake,
Maurice Savoie, Lois Etherington Betteridge, Sarah Link, Walter Dexter, Joh=
Chalke, Mimi Cabri & Liz Willoughby. All of us born 1940 or before. Some
are not making pots anymore, so if you want to feast your eyes a little on
work, made by us "mature" potters, try and make it by Sept. 3rd.

Liz Willoughby
Ontario, Canada

marta matray on wed 11 aug 10

oh, that sounds wonderful!
all of us who cannot be there, can we please see pictures, at least?=3D20
congratulations liz and ron!!!=3D20