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lori doty's oxblood red

updated thu 19 aug 10


DJ Brewer on tue 17 aug 10

Is Lori Doty still on clayart? I'd like to ask her about the following
recipe in the clayart archives for a cone 6 red. Because people
remarked on the possible instability of the glaze due to it not having
any clay in it, I was going to add about 10 grams of OM4 ball clay to
the base recipe below. When I had a very runny earth glaze from red
earth excavated from John Goode's ranch in Elgin county, I added OM4 and
it stopped the runs. Not sure if it will help the recipe below but I
can try.

Lori's Oxblood Red recipe

Gerstley Borate 55
Talc 15
Flint 30
100 total

now add RIO 22