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child slave labour in canada=3d?windows-1256?q?=3dfe?=3d

updated fri 20 aug 10


Claudia MacPhee on wed 18 aug 10

The thing I found the most annoying about all this is the lack of appreci=
ation of the skill level needed to make the pots. For anyone to think that =
a four year old could make a wheel thrown ANYTHING shows that they know not=
hing about our work and all the time it takes to hone our craft skills.

Same old story....lack of opportunity to try any of this to see what it r=
eally takes to make something. Nothing like putting a total novice on the w=
heel and letting them have a go to make them realize that it isn't as simpl=
e as they thought!

Claudia MacPhee
Tagish, yukon