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a craft perspective ; was: slip casting's stigmata

updated fri 3 sep 10


Lee Love on thu 2 sep 10

On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 8:21 AM, Rimas VisGirda wrote:
> Lee wrote:
> ...process. It is an important aspect of William Morris and Soetsu Yanagi=
's philosophy.
> Lee, it seems that you are implying that to be a maker one must subscribe=
to the afore >mentioned philosophys? That other philosophies and (art) mov=
ements aren't valid for >ceramics?

Thanks Rimas! I a so happy you ask what I mean!

No. Minority opinions do not mean majority opinions are made
null and void.

I was making a distinction between the usual post-postmodern
approach of art and those promoted by the modern crafts movement,
which was influenced by the philosophies of Yanagi and Morris. These
were a reaction to mass produced things and how the factories are not
always a humane place for people to work.

In the crafts movement both process and materials are of
extreme importance. Certainly, this attention isn't the sole property
of the craft movement. Many artists also value process and pay
attention to their materials.

The other value important to these movements are place.
Think of it as a tripod of: Materials, Process and Place. Again,
you can think of them as a reaction to mass marketed "fake" things,
where materials are used to seem like they are things that they really
aren't, they are often made in poor conditions by people being paid
very little, and are made far from where they are used.

=3DA0Lee, a Mashiko potter in Minneapolis

=3D93Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don't claim them. Feel
the artistry moving through and be silent.=3D94 --Rumi