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shimpo 21 foot pedal

updated fri 10 sep 10


Kathy Forer on tue 7 sep 10

The fun and well-behaved neighbor children were using my rarely-used =3D
second hand Shimpo 21 RK-10 Gold Metallic Traction Drive. They alerted =3D
me that something happened and the foot pedal, attached via cable, no =3D
longer works. The wheel is now stuck in high speed.=3D20

The cable seemed to have popped off the foot pedal. I put it back the =3D
way I think it was but it's still stuck in high speed.=3D20

Thanks for any suggestions!

Kathy Forer

Kathy Forer on thu 9 sep 10

The manuals are on their web site:

Kathy Forer