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u.p. woodfiring 1st firing part 7 & 8 full fire

updated wed 15 sep 10


gary navarre on sun 12 sep 10

Hey Folks,

Now that the cones up front are bending I'll try to pull the heat toward t=
he tail with side stoking while keeping the Bourry going...

We'll see what happens after the nap so stay tuned and stay in there eh.

Gary Navarre
Navarre Pottery
Navarre Enterprises
Norway, Michigan, USA

Doug Trott on tue 14 sep 10

Gary, I've been enjoying watching these. Makes me wish I could run out and
fire up my kiln! Could you refresh my memory on a couple items? Why the
pignose and slow climb - are you once-firing? And is your kiln strictly
hard brick? Mine is (with fiber blankets draped on top), and during the
last firing I found that while it fired fairly evenly left to right, front
to back and top to bottom, it was not even from the center to the outside
edge, which I attribute to insufficient insulation. Have you seen similar



On Sun, Sep 12, 2010 at 8:06 PM, gary navarre

> Hey Folks,
> Now that the cones up front are bending I'll try to pull the heat toward
> the tail with side stoking while keeping the Bourry going...
> We'll see what happens after the nap so stay tuned and stay in there eh.
> Gary Navarre
> Navarre Pottery
> Navarre Enterprises
> Norway, Michigan, USA