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pinhole resolution

updated sun 19 sep 10


Randy McCall on sat 18 sep 10

A number of months ago I was having an issue of pinholing in some glazes an=
d not others on the clay I have been using. After a number of suggestions =
from ClayArt I
have been able to resolve this issue for the most part with adjusting the b=
isque firing and glaze firing.
Skutt Manual 1027 electric
1 hour bottom switch on low
2 hours all switches on low
5 hours all switches on med
All switches on high
After cone falls 1 hour all switches on low for a hold at top temp.
Low switches hold my kiln at same temp
Glaze firing.
3 hours all switches on low
5 hours all switches on med
All switches on high
Switch kiln back on for 15 minutes all swiches on high after cone fall
Let kiln cool to 1650 f then back on with all low switches for one hour
The hold at 1650 F helps get alot of depth and movement to glazes. Get gre=
at effects with this hold. May try two hours to see what happens.
Thanks for all the suggestions.

