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toddler mug

updated sat 16 oct 10


douglas fur on fri 15 oct 10

The one I made for my daughter was about 1/2 lb of clay, a cylinder slightl=
taller than wide, concave sides, and two round handles.
It didn't last long...
Seola Creek

Shaw Pottery on fri 15 oct 10

We have made mugs for each of our eight grandchildren. Many of the
originals still survive even tho the oldest grandchild is now in his
20's. The kiddos that broke theirs asked for replacements. Each mug
was different, each had their name on the side. All were sturdy in
style, it was the use, not the content that mattered to them.

But it is the memories of drinking from their own handthrown mugs
that will survive a lifetime, and as they say, that's priceless.

Rita & Joe Shaw