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concrete brick powder, now richard behrens

updated tue 19 oct 10


David Martin Hershey on sun 17 oct 10

Hi Ann, Bill et All,

Yes Bill, those glazes were by Richard Behrens.

They're in his fabulous little glaze projects book, pg 55.

One day I was discussing glaze problems with Juan Aguilera,
the head glaze chemist at Laguna Clay west.

He said that Behrens' "Glaze Projects"
had helped him more than any other book.

Needless to say, I bought it right away.

There's really something about seeing and playing with
all those formulas for all those temp ranges.
It gave me a historical context, and helped me get an
intuitive feel for what glaze chemistry is all about.

Not sure if it's still in print from CM, but one can buy it used
on Amazon for about 6 bucks! Gold...

Best, DMH

David Martin Hershey
DMH Studio + Design
2629 Manhattan Ave #137
Hermosa Beach CA USA
90254-2447 424.241.3809

On 10/17/2010 2:40 PM, William & Susan Schran User wrote:
> There was an article many, many years ago in Ceramics Monthly about using
> Portland cement as a glaze ingredient.
> I think the article was by Behrens.
> I then did a search and discovered this in the archives: