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cone 10 kiln wash for core-lite shelves?

updated tue 19 oct 10


Paul Borian on mon 18 oct 10

i need to re-coat some of my core-lite shelves soon and i am looking for
something better than the kind i used last time. It was 75 alumina hydrate/
25 EPK and, although it worked fine on my silicon carbide shelves it did no=
work so well on the core lites because glaze drips tended to stick to the
shelves anyway. I have no idea why because i applied it the same on both
shelves (2 good coats, the second one being fairly thick with ample time to
dry in between them).

if anyone has a better recipe that works at cone 10 could you please email
it to me off-list? i am currently set on "no mail" for clayart due to being
overloaded with work
