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speckled glaze

updated mon 1 nov 10


Deborah Thuman on sun 31 oct 10

It looks a lot like what I get when I use Coyote Clay Blue Oasis and
fire in reduction. I personally find Blue Oasis extremely
disappointing in oxidation - blotchy no matter how I put it on and
it's a solid color. But in reduction! Wow! In fact, I've found a
number of perfectly good oxidation glazes that are Wow! in reduction.
MC6 Raspberry turns shades of pink in reduction.

And before anyone asks.... here's the firing schedule. Oxidation until
^08. Then reduction until ^1. Then oxidation until ^5 down and ^6
starting to move. Then turn the burners way down (like I'd have them
for candling) and just hold in oxidation for 30 minutes. 45 minutes is
too long - results turn yucky (that would be a technical term). After
30 minutes, shut off the gas, close the damper, plug up the peep
holes, and let the kiln cool. Next comes the really hard part -
keeping Jim from opening the kiln too early.

Deb Thuman