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ball mill jars in australia

updated fri 19 nov 10


Tim Marshman on thu 18 nov 10

I hope Im doing this in the appropriate way. I have a stock of high alumina=
professional ball jars and high density alumina ceramic media for sale.
These items were used for the production of pigment based ink jet inks and =
were required to grind materials to sub micron size. This type of grinding =
jar is extremely wear resistant and very expensive to buy new. Im based in =
Adelaide Australia and they would be expensive to ship OS due to weight.

Anyone in Australia who is interested please contact me. I also have availa=
ble some large water cooled production mills 2' in diameter that would suit=
a large commercial operation.


Tim Marshman

Managing Director

Black Box Audio & Lighting: Suppliers of concert, corporate and theatre pro=
duction and technical support.

Prostage South Australia: Demountable staging, seating systems, concert roo=
f systems & crowd barriers.

Black Box Industrial Surplus: Dealers in, used process plant, industrial in=
strumentation and automation components & manufacturing machinery

76 Orsmond St, Hindmarsh SA 5007

ph 8340 3776

fax 8340 3778

mob 0419 363 992