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selling: kiln, pug mill and display tent dc area

updated tue 7 dec 10


Mere on mon 6 dec 10

For Sale:

Skutt 1027-240. (2 watts 240 volts, 1 Phase 48 amps): Original elements=
definitely needs new ones. One new element included with kiln; bought in
1992; Served as back up kiln for newer kiln. Fired some beautiful pots.
Sells new for around $2500; selling for $1200

Blue Bird De-Airing Pug Mill; Model #440; bought in 1999; sells new for
around $2800; Selling for $1600

Display tent: 10'x 10'; screen ventilation in roof; sides, front and bac=
zip out structure can also be used as structure for indoor sites; doesn't
blow away in wind; $500

Shipping not available. Pick up in DC area.
