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fwd: color decals

updated sat 18 dec 10


P Can on fri 17 dec 10

I recently asked if anyone knew of a decal company to make color decals fro=
a website page. The responses I received were almost exclusively Easy
Ceramic Decals.

I formerly tried to contact Mr. Brayman of Easy Ceramic Decals by email on
November 7. I did not receive a response and again emailed him before my
request to Clayart. Again I did not receive a response from Easy Ceramic
Decals. I tried calling the phone number on his website today but it has
been disconnected.

A Clayart member asked if I would post all the responses I received so
everyone will have them. They are attached in PDF. To date I have not
contacted any of the companies listed. But that is on my "to do" list afte=
the holidays...

Again, thank you for your responses.

Phyllis Canupp