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nceca -hotel- clayart folks?

updated mon 3 jan 11


marta matray on sun 2 jan 11

i am going to register soon for the tampa conference,=3D20
and i was wondering about which hotel would most of clayart folks=3D20
choose? it would be nice to have a clayart get together place even at=3D20
the hotel bar/restaurant/hallway... since there isnt yet a clayart room..=
also have a question: if i register now $185 + membership $55 =3D3D $240.=

if i register now as a non member, its only $ 230.=3D20
why is it cheaper for a non member??? anyone knows?=3D20
thanks for your help!=3D20
marta matray=3D20
clayart and nceca member since 1998