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slides to disc

updated mon 3 jan 11


mel jacobson on sun 2 jan 11

many of us older types are facing the daunting task
of converting 1000's of slides. kids, family, vacations, pots.

i went through my entire collection a few years back as
my wife took a trip to Montana with friends.
she could not stand to look at pix of our dead son.
i set up the slide projector on the dinning room table
and started in.
a large garbage can on my left...slide trays stacked on
my right. (glad i do not drink, as that would have been 3qts.)
90 percent went into the garbage. ( i poured oil on them so
i could not get them back..)
i saved some wonderful images.

went to `colorpro` professional processing company
and had them made to disc. there was no way i was going
to try and scan all of those slides. (i have an epson scanner with
ability to scan slides, but it is a pain in the ass..and if the slides are
not perfect, they are not very good scans. ) the discs are stored
in plastic, in my safe.

colorpro did a perfect three discs full.
those have been transferred to my computer and i have
carbonite, and they are all stacked there now.
( i also have a really big off-computer hard drive and that has
a mirror of my computer on it. )

we must bite the bullet and get those jobs done, and soon.
as we all know, kodachrome is gone forever. i just threw out
some really old rolls of slide film that i had in the fridge...`use before
1998.` gone for good. no more film. forever.

i have my old kodak slide projector stored in plastic wrap.
but, may never use that again either. i still have about a
1000 images of pots stored on slides...but, who cares any longer?

in my opinion, be ruthless, and go through all of your slides. get rid
of junk, scan just the `racers`. have it done professionally and you
will be well pleased, and it is worth the expense.
a 900 buck scanner is not worth it, and the work is really awful.
it cost me like 120 bucks for the entire project.

i then went through all the black and white pix too.
no kidding...we had a 25 gallon storage container full of pix.
three families life pix. i kept about 80 pix. have them stored in a
acid free box. the rest...went in the fire. gone for good.
what i saved will be interesting for the next generation...but
not 60 pounds of pix.

no one misses what we do not have. we think it has value,
but not to the next generation...just a nice clean, well done
selection of history. all those pix at the christmas dinner table, or
thanksgiving...with the white flash in the face of people close, and black
images near the end of the table...god awful stuff. burn.
be ruthless.
from: minnetonka, mn
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