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workshops in tile and mosaic making

updated thu 15 mar 12


Zayas, Adam on thu 6 jan 11

Hi folks,

We have several workshops coming up this spring and thought you might be in=
terested. These are excellent workshops which have always received rave ev=
aluations from participants. Check out dates and workshop schedule on our =
website listed below. Any questions - fell free to email or call me.

Adam Zayas
Head Ceramist
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
130 E. Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
215.348.6001- direct number
215.345.1361 Fax

Zayas, Adam on wed 14 mar 12

Hi folks,

We have several workshops coming up this spring and thought you might be in=
terested. These are excellent workshops which have always received rave ev=
aluations from participants. Check out dates and workshop schedule on our =
website listed below. Any questions - fell free to email or call me.

Adam Zayas
Head Ceramist
Moravian Pottery & Tile Works
130 E. Swamp Road
Doylestown, PA 18901
215.348.6001- direct number
215.345.1361 Fax