Susan Fox Hirschmann on mon 10 jan 11
Thanks, first to Mel for all you do and who you area,...your time, your ene=
rgy, =3D0Aall you have done over the years to create this great comraderie =
call =3D0A"Clayart!"=3D0AI am going to Tampa and hate to see all you have =
t, Mel, to disappear this =3D0Ayear.=3DA0 It is why many of us go to NCECA,=
to =3D
link up, personally with special =3D0Afriends.=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3D=
A0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3D
=3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=
=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3DA0=3DA0 =3DA0=3D
=3DA0=3DA0 Are any of you from the =3D0ATampa Area? Would any of you be wil=
ling t=3D
o take a walk around the Hyatt and see =3D0Aif there is a common area, like=
ne area of the lobby, any other common area, =3D0Awith chairs, where we cou=
meet up?=3D0ADoes this hotel have a VIP lounge (heck I am sure others alre=
y looked into =3D0Athat possibility?)=3DA0 I know some Marriotts have this.=
erhaps we could find that common area and, for starters, find times/ days, =
that =3D0Awe could just meet up.=3DA0=3DA0 We could, perhaps,plan even befo=
re the=3D
conference these =3D0Adays and times to meet up informally.=3D0AA hotel is=
going to throw us out, or move us, particularly since many of us =3D0Aare =
aying there, is my thought.=3D0ASo Kelly, tho I like your idea...perhaps we=
an actually plan something ahead of =3D0Atime and make it work?=3D0AWhat ar=
e al=3D
l your thoughts?=3DA0 Tampa residents come forward please!=3D0ASusan=3D0Asu=
san fo=3D
_________________=3D0AFrom: Kelly Savino =3D0A=
To: =3D
Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.ORG=3D0ASent: Sun, January 9, 2011 8:25:42 PM=3D0ASubj=
NCECA plans=3D0A=3D0AEvery time another potter friend says he/she is not g=
, I get less excited =3D0Aabout NCECA this trip.=3D0A=3D0AI am going, thoug=
h. I a=3D
m flying down with Edith Franklin, and she and Barbara =3D0ABrown have gene=
usly offered to share their hotel room with me.=3D0A=3D0AI'm involved with =
the =3D
Potters Council and the K12 this year, and I won't hate =3D0Asome fresh air=
nd sunshine... and the endless exposure to good pottery that =3D0Arefuels m=
y =3D
inspiration for the next year and helps me raise the bar for myself.=3D0A=
t's sad, though, that the economy has cost us a chance to gather with frien=
ds =3D0Athe way we have in the past.=3D0A=3D0AMaybe the clayarters who are =
going =3D
could use facebook, or cell texting, or some =3D0Aother method of arranging=
ome "flash mob" get togethers, a meal here, a gallery =3D0Ahop there? Maybe=
omebody can find a funky little coffee shop we can call =3D0Aclayart centra=
=3D0A=3D0AThere must be a way. It's a high tech world. My brother met a lov=
ely =3D
woman in =3D0ABogota over the internet, and before he ever met her in perso=
he used to =3D0Aproject her webcam image on his dining room wall so they c=
ld have dinner =3D0Atogether, live, every night.=3D0A=3D0ANow they are happ=
ily ma=3D
rried, and expecting their first baby next month...=3D0A=3D0AYours=3D0AKell=
y in O=3D
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