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carbon monoxide and indoor hockey rinks

updated fri 11 feb 11


Lili Krakowski on thu 10 feb 11

In case you missed this on morning news: They have found that people =3D
who skate in indoor ice rinks can/do get carbon monoxide poisoning. =3D
Several "victims" shown. One a young woman who had been a competitive =3D
ice skater, practiced a lot, now is confined to respirator because of =3D
CO lung damage.=3D20

Also mention of kids on hockey teams, etc etc.

Point is that the ice grooming machines emit CO, the rinks are not =3D
properly ventilated, the damage is cumulative.

Only three states, including Mel's kingdom, Minnesota, have =3D
regulations about air quality in indoor ice rinks. Thank you Mel!

steve graber on thu 10 feb 11

well there's just one more reason why ice should be used only in a glass!=
=3DA0 =3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3DA0Steve Graber, Graber's Pottery, Inc=3D0AClaremont=
, California=3D
USA=3D0AThe Steve Tool - for awesome texture on pots! =3D0Awww.graberspott=
com =3D0A=3D0A=3D0AOn Laguna Clay's website=3D0Aht=
tp://www=3D =3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A=3D0A___________________________=
om: Lili Krakowski =3D0ATo: Clayart@LSV.CERAMICS.O=
=3D0ASent: Thu, February 10, 2011 6:45:03 AM=3D0ASubject: Carbon Monoxide a=
nd I=3D
ndoor Hockey Rinks=3D0A=3D0AIn case you missed this on morning news:=3DA0 T=
hey ha=3D
ve found that=3DA0 people who skate =3D0Ain indoor ice rinks can/do get car=
bon =3D
monoxide poisoning.=3DA0 Several "victims" =3D0Ashown.=3DA0 One a young wom=
an who=3D
had been a competitive ice skater, practiced a =3D0Alot,=3DA0 now is confi=
ned =3D
to respirator because of CO lung damage. =3D0A=3D0A=3D0AAlso mention of kid=
s on h=3D
ockey teams, etc etc.=3D0A=3D0APoint is that the ice grooming machines emit=
the rinks are not properly =3D0Aventilated,=3DA0 the damage is cumulative.=
=3D0AOnly=3DA0 three states, including Mel's=3DA0 kingdom, Minnesota, have =
tions about =3D0Aair quality in indoor ice rinks.=3DA0 Thank you Mel!=3D0A=