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resist /wax emulsion

updated mon 14 feb 11


Lili Krakowski on sun 13 feb 11

Isn't white glue supposed to work as resist?

White (sometimes cream colored) wood glue is what I am talking =3D
about...though the kind sold for use on paper might be suitable. Never =
tried it....but seem to have heard that it works.

Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage

Dana Om Pottery on sun 13 feb 11

I have used white glue. It's a bit runny. Bought some wax resist from Sheff=
pottery in Mass. It seems to basically be thicker white glue!


From: Lili Krakowski
Sent: Sun, February 13, 2011 9:47:20 AM
Subject: Resist /wax emulsion

Isn't white glue supposed to work as resist?

White (sometimes cream colored) wood glue is what I am talking about...thou=
the kind sold for use on paper might be suitable. Never tried it....but s=
to have heard that it works.

Lili Krakowski
Be of good courage