Dinah Snipes Steveni on mon 14 feb 11
Oldies and Others: I use a water bath system with a candle wax and kerosene=
mix, and commercial wax resist too. I, personally, try to keep a lid on d=
isplacement activities like rounding up ingredients etc etc to make wax res=
ist which would interfere with my over-arching principle of "bum on seat" t=
o make pots. I also know that displacement activites allow one to meditate =
and put on the back burner of the mind, so to speak, issues which need reso=
lving as creative solutions abound whist in displacement mode. Balance. I'v=
e got to report for jury duty this ayem I think I'll promote, if asked, jur=
y nullification in order to balance prosecutorial discretion. The return to=
the studio should be swift.
Hope is not a plan.
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