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workshop: just enough ash

updated thu 24 feb 11


David Woof on wed 23 feb 11

Hi everyone=3D2C
Just Enough Ash: =3D20
a Wood Firing=3D2C Salt Glaze Workshop at David Woof Studio in Clarkdale=3D=
2C A=3D
rizona. Firing scheduled for: April 1st - 3rd=3D2C 2011=3D20
This event is co-sponsored by the Verde Fine Arts Club of Yavapai College=
=3D2C and Earth and Fire Studio's=3D2C School of Clay Art and Craft.
Please note that the attachments mailed from: DWoof@instructor.YC.EDU will =
include the workshop prospectus=3D2C schedule=3D2C and registration form=3D=
2C as =3D
well as several pictures from past events and firings. =3D20
The design of the kiln=3D2C with 85 cu ft of usable stacking space=3D2C wil=
l be=3D
of special interest to individuals and small groups as a production studio=
kiln that may be built up or down in size to fit individual needs with out=
loss of efficiency and ease of firing and is the design expression of over=
30 years of David Woof's innovative kiln designing=3D2C building=3D2C and =
ng wood fired kilns for the studio potter. =3D20
A truly no fuss=3D2C user friendly luxury kiln with a dual carb rocket engi=
It's going to be a high energy hands on workshop=3D2C for all levels=3D2C a=
nd a=3D
great learning time around the fire. Attendance is limited to 15 workshop=
participants who will fire 4-6 hour shifts with experienced crew members w=
ho will teach you to read the fire and allow you to make decisions and see =
the results. Mistakes are easily corrected and we never concern ourselves =
or struggle with reaching temperature.
The first segment of the workshop beginning March 5th is scheduled with gen=
erous studio times built in for local potters and students to attend=3D2C r=
eive instruction and work independently before the firing April 1st - 3rd.
If you are traveling from a distance with time constraints and wish to brin=
g cone 10-12 work bisqued=3D2C slip glazed and kiln ready or use our slips =
d glazes when you arrive=3D2C the beginning workshop information that you m=
sed earlier will be provided to you at that time.=3D20

David Woof.........Clarkdale=3D2C Arizona......feeding the fires on the Ver=

